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Chingona Guide for Love in the Time of XX*
We’re excited to present the Chingona Guide for Love in the Time of XX*: 8 simple practices for health and happiness during a global pandemic, written by Jessica Aranda and illustrated and designed by James Aranda and Gloria T. Aranda. …
How to Keep Yourself Safe from COVID while Voting
This is a monumental election season for so many reasons, but there is an entirely new obstacle in place that we’ve literally never dealt with before: the highly infectious COVID-19. While the pandemic poses new challenges for voting, it does…
“He is not experiencing the same Covid as we are”
President Donald Trump put out a video after leaving Walter Reed Medical Center, in which he affirmed “don’t let COVID dominate you, don’t be afraid of it, you’re gonna beat it.” We spoke to three Latinx creatives at the intersections…
Dismantle DHS & Defeat Trump
Today Trump announced that he will call back federal officers from Portland. It was another failed political stunt, but it shows us how far he is willing to go to retain power. The federal agents who descended on the city, uninvited…
Moving Biden Toward Community Demands: Unity Task Force Releases Recs
Mijente director Marisa Franco issued the following statement on the Biden campaign’s newly announced immigration policy commitments. Franco was a member of the campaign’s unity task force on immigration as one of the representatives negotiated by the Bernie Sanders team.
Mijente members in Louisville, KY denounce state violence against Black people
Mijente members from Louisville, Kenucky, in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Louisville and Breonna Taylor’s family, unite in opposition to the recent murders of Black people at the hands of police and all the various forms of state sanctioned violence…
Hacia Compañerismo y Conciencia: Pro-Blackness in Action
As a national multi-racial Latinx organization Mijente stands with all Black communities across the country who are calling out the injustice of the state sanctioned murder of Black people in the hands of the police. Latinx communities must show up…
Drag King Bilingual Storytime con los MENtirosos
Yesterday, @Losmentirosos read 3 books from the @lil_libros collection during “Bilingual DragKing Story Time” and it was amazing! Lil Libros makes bilingual children’s books. Not only are they bilingual in Spanish and English, they also focus on classic, traditional, &…
Georgia Sheriff Candidate Questionnaires
Sheriffs in Georgia are powerful. At the top of their powers are whether and when to release our loved ones from jails, whether to require a cash bond to release them, or whether they are going to call immigration enforcement…