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Know Your Rights

The best way to defend our community is by knowing and defending our rights.

By Cris Batista | Apr 8, 2022

Local Electeds Fellowship: 10 Latinx Leaders

Meet the first cohort of Mijente’s Fellowship for Local Elected Officials: 10 Latinx City Council members from around the country!

Below you learn more about them and the residents they represent.

The fellowship is a part of the Desde el Estado work of Mijente Support Committee (MSC). Organizing to put community leaders and organizers into local government is a key part of the fight for El Buenvivir. But as we know, real change cannot come from one single new person in elected office. In this joint effort between MSC and these Latinx City Council members, we’ll explore models to:

✔️Work together to organize inside the state with those organizing outside and against it;

✔️Create networks of support and a community that produces creative solutions to hard problems that work with our elected officials;

✔️Connect with communities and governments doing creative things to resolve injustices across the country and the world; and

✔️Shift government systems to provide real options for community participation and base building.

Meet The Fellows

Lane Santa Cruz

Position: Vice Mayor
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Follow her to learn more about her work: Facebook, Instagram

Carlos Ramirez-Rosa

Position: Alderman, Ward 35

Location: Chicago, IL

Follow him online to learn more about his work: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Julia Mejia

Position: City Councilor, At-Large

Location: Boston, MA

Follow her online to learn more about her work: Facebook, Instragram, Twitter

Carlos Garcia

Position: City Councilor, District 8

Location: Phoenix, AZ

Follow him online to learn more about his work: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter 

Candi CdeBaca

Position: City Councilor, District 9

Location: Denver, CO

Follow her online to learn more about her work: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Jessie Lopez

Position: City Councilmember, 69th Assembly District

Location: Santa Ana, CA

Follow her online to learn more about her work: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Javiera Caballero 

Position: City Councilor, At-Large

Location: Durham, NC

Follow her online to learn more about her work: Facebook, Instagram

Ricardo Arroyo

Position: City Councilor, District 5

Location: Boston, MY

Follow him online to learn more about his work: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez

Position: Alderman, Ward 33

Location: Chicago, IL

Follow her online to learn more about her work: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Sandy Nurse 

Position: City Council Member, District 37

Location: New York City

Follow her online to learn more about her work: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

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