Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights

The best way to defend our community is by knowing and defending our rights.

Pasos Pa’lante: Mijente Democratic Primary Endorsement

The moment feels like it was yesterday. At a local Phoenix community center , we waited for the results of the 2016 election — waited to find out if our push to finally topple Maricopa County’s notorious sheriff Joe Arpaio had been successful. Local election results trickled in, and it became clear that we’d won. As the news spread, the momentum led us, marching through the streets to the Sheriff’s building to celebrate the victory at his doorstep. Through the chanting and community members speaking, we continued monitoring the results from across the country. By the end of the rally, the news from the presidential race had taken shape. It was like a scene from a horror film, where the villain is finally vanquished and to everyone’s dismay, a new foe emerges. Those of us from Arizona knew all too well what a Donald Trump victory meant. We had lived it. But we had also beat it. And we knew what it cost to do so. 

Four years later, we also know this:

•The potential re-election of Donald Trump poses significant threats to us all and to the planet. By engaging in the electoral arena we are ultimately setting up the most favorable conditions for organizing for the solutions we want and need; 

•Though the electoral process is structurally flawed and no singular candidate represents our views in totality, we cannot and will not sit on the sidelines in the 2020 elections; 

•In the face of seemingly impossible odds, ordinary people can do extraordinary things, and we must. 

Mijente was created in 2015 to bring attention to and address the lack of political organization in the Latinx and Chicanx community – independent of the establishment of the Democratic party and corporate interests – to fight for economic, racial, gender, and climate justice. It is not enough to simply wait for demographics to change our destiny, our fate is in our own hands. 

Despite the mythologies of this country that tell us our advancement is solely individual, our existence and lineage says otherwise. We remember this when we organize to stop deportations. We remember this when we speak truth to harassment and abuse. We remember this when we defend our communities from eviction and our lands from extraction. And we will remember when we throw down with millions of you to ensure the best possible outcome in the 2020 elections. 

That’s why in 2020 we will carry out our first full membership endorsement process. Together we will decide whether Mijente will endorse one candidate, multiple candidates, or make no endorsement at all in the Democratic primary. In 2020 Latinx people will form the largest racial/ethnic voting bloc in the electorate. We are often an afterthought for the Democratic party and political campaigns. The thing is, we can’t afford to wait for others to get the memo. We’ve got to do the work to mobilize, energize, and engage our gente

We’ve already started. With the El Chisme 2020 series we contacted candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination and posed questions that matter to the millions of us who hail from el Caribe, Sudamerica, Centroamérica y en Norteamérica. Secretary Julian Castro, Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren all participated in the event. El Chisme 2020 created a space for people to learn more about the candidates’ perspectives on issues but most importantly for people to see themselves, their values, and their communities in the conversation.

Whatever the outcome of this endorsement process, we hold that the most important thing is this: to mandate an agenda that doesn’t just fight for the status quo pre-Trump, but for new solutions that get to the root of the problems we face. Engaging in intra-movement battles pitting Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren benefits no one but the 1%. Mijente includes people with a wide range of perspectives and favored candidates – we embrace that. We are clear that it’s not just about the tallies on election day but about what we build and learn together and whether or not we are in a position to move together after this election cycle. Victory is when communities who have long been taken for granted are no longer an afterthought and begin to influence the political debate, the issue agenda, who is on the ballot, and make all of this actually matter by enacting the leadership, policies, and change we need. 

Mijente Statement on Kentucky SB1, HB51, & SB89

#CrushICE   #SanctuaryforAll   #NoSB1

To sign onto this letter, please contact [email protected]

Spanish | English | French

En fuerte solidaridad con activistas y organizadores, los miembros de Mijente Louisville y Lexington y en todx el estado de Kentucky, se unen en oposición a los proyectos de ley fascistas y anti-inmigrantes SB1, HB51 y SB89, todxs los cuales se han presentado en la sesión legislativa 2020 de Kentucky.

El Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Patrulla Fronteriza son la fuerza policial federal más grande con un presupuesto de $7.6B, más que todas las demás agencias federales de aplicación de la ley combinadas. Según las directivas emitidas por Trump, y con el apoyo de su Fiscal General William Barr, ICE viola rutinariamente las leyes internacionales de derechos humanos al criminalizar a los solicitantes de asilo, drogar y abusar de niñxs, negar atención médica y separar familias.

Ahora, los legisladores estatales de Kentucky se han alineado con esta monstruosidad al introducir SB1, HB51 y SB89 en esta sesión legislativa. Cada uno de estos proyectos de ley está dirigido a las comunidades de negros, marrones, inmigrantes y refugiados al negarles servicios críticos, alentar el hostigamiento y discriminar por apariencia, y exigir que las instituciones públicas hagan cumplir la ley de inmigración.

Estos proyectos de ley son algunos de los más xenófobos y agresivos propuestos en este país hasta la fecha. Son amplios en lenguaje y de gran alcance. Amenazan la autonomía de las instituciones públicas con una sobre-extracción severa del gobierno, y desangran a las organizaciones con escasez de dinero por recursos para obligar a los empleados públicos a actuar como agentes de inmigración del gobierno federal. No hay enmiendas que hagan tolerables estos proyectos de ley; en esencia, están destinados a avivar los fuegos del racismo y a generar temor en los corazones de nuestrxs comunidades minoritarias e inmigrantes.

Implicamos al público que se comunique con sus legisladores para

VOTAR NO para SB1, HB51 y SB89

Mijente members from Louisville and Lexington, in strong solidarity with activists and organizers across the state of Kentucky, unite in opposition of the fascist and anti-immigrant bills SB1, HB51, and SB89, all of which have been filed in the 2020 Kentucky legislative session.

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol are the largest federal police force with a $7.6B budget, more than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined. Under directives issued from Trump, and with the support of his Attorney General William Barr, ICE routinely violates international human rights law by criminalizing asylum seekers, drugging and abusing children, denying medical care, and separating families.

Now, Kentucky state lawmakers have aligned themselves with this monstrosity by introducing SB1, HB51, and SB89 this legislative session. Each of these bills target Black, Brown, immigrant and refugee communities by denying them critical services, encouraging police harassment and profiling, and mandating that public institutions enforce immigration law.

These bills are some of the most aggressively xenophobic proposed in this country to-date. They are broad in language and far-reaching in scope. They threaten the autonomy of public institutions with severe government overreach, and bleed cash-strapped organizations for resources in order to force public employees to act as immigration agents of the federal government. There is no amendment that will make these bills tolerable; at their core, they are meant to stoke the fires of racism, and strike fear in the hearts of our minority and immigrant communities. 

We implore the public to reach out to their legislators to
VOTE NO on SB1, HB51, and SB89.

En toute solidarité aux activistes et organisateurs de Kentucky, les membres de Mijente de Louisville et Lexington s’unissent et s’opposer les propositions de loi fascistes et anti-immigrés, SB1, HB51, et SB89, qui toutes étaient déposer à la session législative de 2020.

Contrôle de l’Immigration et des Douanes (ICE) et patrouille frontalière sont les plus grandes forces de police fédérales. Ils on un budget de $7,6M, plus que tous les autres agences du maintien de l’ordre federals réunis. Sous le directive de Trump, avec le soutien de la ministre de la Justice, William Barr, ICE systématiquement viole les droits de l’homme internationaux en criminalisant les demandeurs d’asiles, en droguant et maltraitant les enfants, en refusant les soins médicaux, et en séparant les familles. 

Maintenant, les législateurs/trices s’alignent sur cette monstruosité en déposant SB1, HB51, et SB89 cette session législative. Ces propositions de loi ciblent les communautés de couleur et les communautés immigrée et réfugié en refusant à eux les services critical, en encourageant le harcèlement et profilage par la police, et en demandant que les institutions publiques faire appliquer la loi de l’immigration. 

Les propositions de loi sont un des plus xénophobe agressivement qui a été proposé aux Etats-Unis a ce jour. Ils sont generals et considerables. Ils menacent l’autonomie des institutions publiques et vident les organisations à court d’argent à forcer les les fonctionnaires à jouer les agents fédérales de l’immigration. Il n’y a pas un modification qui ferait tolérables ces propositions; au coeur, ils veulent faire raviver la flamme de racisme et à faire peur dans les coeurs de nos communautés immigrantes et minorités. 

On implore le public à contacter leurs législateurs 



Al Día en América

Centro Latino de Danville

Define American

Black Lives Matter Louisville

The Dominican Sisters of Peace

Fairness Campaign

Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Justice

Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center

Jason Crosby, Co-Pastor Crescent Hill Baptist Church

Justice Before Peace

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth

Kentucky Interfaith Taskforce on Latin America and the Caribbean

The Leadership of the Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Louisville

The Loretto Sisters and Loretto Community

Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice

Northern Kentucky Justice and Peace Committee

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Social Justice team of Crescent Hill Baptist Church

Sowers of Justice

St. William Catholic Church

FUERA TRUMP: This is the year we’ve been building towards

Mijente is a fighting organization, and we are kicking off the year in action mode. We are amped to be a core partner of the 2020 Women’s March. Women – and especially women of color – have demonstrated bold leadership in driving the resistance against the Trump agenda. We need to honor that and multiply it. 

In 2020, we resolve to get Trump out of office. As we see it, there’s no sitting on the sidelines. We cannot enable four more years of this administration and be complicit in astronomically compounding the pain, trauma and destruction it has wrought domestically and globally.

When we take to the streets tomorrow, we also feel called to bring to bear la constancia of our gente. We have survived and do so everyday. Our comunidad is seeing each other through the darkness, with joy, love and radical subversion. In spite of criminalization. In spite of disenfranchisement. In spite of displacement. In spite of the capitalism-driven climate crisis. In spite of all the mierda that tries to take away our power.

Desde el estado is one of many key fronts where we must contest for power. We have come into 2020 ready to beat back white supremacist right-wing forces all across the country to manifest a pro-Black, pro-queer, pro-trans, pro-planet, pro-worker feminist vision of the world. Wherever you are, join us to amplify the battle cry, Fuera Trump, and let’s work together to make it happen.  

On Saturday, January 18, follow Mijente LIVE on Facebook and catch us on Instagram for coverage of the Women’s March 2020.