As we commemorate Mijente’s 10 years, we are choosing to lean into our power: our love for community, our commitment to organizing, and our spirit of resistance.
Getting in Formation for Latinx Organizing
Mijente was born in and out of the struggle. Founding members united under the demands of #Not1More deportation under the Obama Administration. Our organization was born in the presence and power of the modern day Black Power movement. And the world we were inheriting, during the rise of Trumpism and his first Administration, positioned Mijente as a resistance force to meet demographic, cultural, and social change.
Sharing our Story and Origins
Over the past 10 years, Mijente has rolled deep in the fight for Latinx rights, justice, and change. Together with our members, volunteers, donors, partners, and allies, we’ve fought for and supported our gente with the goal of achieving el Buenvivir.
From our protests and actions against Trump to the 2020 GA Senate runoff to La Vida Local grants – We have taken space to grow our movement sin, contra, y desde el Estado because we must contend for power on all fronts. We understand that our problems are systemic and we can challenge them by working without, against, and within the state. We learned this framework from, and were inspired by, our compas in the Chilean social movement Movimiento de Pobladores en Lucha (MPL).
Honoring 10 Years of Lucha
Recognizing our efforts and telling our story is one way that we ensure that the lessons and learnings grow beyond us. This year, we want more of our members, supporters, and allies to know more about where we’ve come from, the obstacles we’ve faced and overcome, and the people who have made our efforts possible.
Follow along as we share more throughout the year about our campaigns across the years, our hopes for the future, why we chose the ant as our symbol, and so much more!