Win and Turn Back Trump

Win and Turn Back Trump

This election we reject the status quo & organize under strategic necessity to create the conditions that drive change from the ground up.

By Amanda Chavez | May 19, 2016

How Hillary Clinton Responds to People Who Bring Up the Coup in Honduras

During a fundraising event in a suburb of Chicago, protesters interrupted Candidate Clinton, chanting “Honduras’ blood is on your hands.”

The interruption was in reference to the role of the State Department in the coup in that country and more recently the assassination of human rights activist, Berta Cáceres, a leader who was known to many in the Chicago area who visited the movement there on various delegations.

The candidate responded by saying, “I’ll just keep talking… Those who shout rarely like to listen.”

Activists with La Voz de los de Abajo and the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America posted video of the event to facebook:

They also shared the following statement Press Statement:

“We are here today to hold Sec. Clinton accountable for her role in setting US policy towards Honduras that legitimized and extended the 2009 coup that weakened institutionality, increased militarization, and unleashed violence and human rights abuses in every sphere of life,leading thousands of Hondurans to flee their country. Political violence by the government and death squads it shelters and nurtures against those opposed to the coup has piled up hundreds of deaths including indigenous environmentalist and social justice activist Berta Cáceres on March 3 this year. Secretary Clinton may have erased her chapter on Honduras for the new paperback edition of her book but she can’t erase her culpability.”

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